Youth Bowling Programs at Odyssey Fun Center

Did You Know?

Bowling is also America’s #1 participation activity with over 68 million American’s bowling each year. Bowling is a favorite with children/kids ages 4-18 with over 40% of that age group bowling at least once per year.

Our youth bowling coaches will teach your child the basics of bowling, a lifetime sport that provides over 3 million dollars per year in scholarship money to graduating seniors. The best part of many bowling scholarships is that they are based mostly on participation and not solely on talent. BEST OF ALL—NO ONE RIDES THE BENCH IN BOWLING!

Plus…Bowling is now the fastest growing high school sport in America.

Let us know your interested in the next round of Youth Leagues at Odyssey:
Kids from Kindergarten thru 18 years can join
Learn to bowl with a coach
Sign up as an individual or with friends
 Teams matched up on the first day
Enjoy end-of-season awards & pizza party